A Short Course in Elementary Mechanics for Engineers
publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company 1916
ISBN/ASIN: 1152039687
ISBN-13: 9781152039681
Number of pages: 156
ISBN-13: 9781152039681
Number of pages: 156
This course in Elementary Mechanics is arranged for students who have previously studied Trigonometry. The subject matter is divided into three parts, namely, Kinematics, Kinetics, and Statics. Much detailed discussion is omitted, and the course is written from the definition viewpoint.
Download or read it online here:This course in Elementary Mechanics is arranged for students who have previously studied Trigonometry. The subject matter is divided into three parts, namely, Kinematics, Kinetics, and Statics. Much detailed discussion is omitted, and the course is written from the definition viewpoint.
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